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An Exciting Annoucement

By September 23, 2015Uncategorized

The team at ODH Financial Planning have an exciting announcement to make and we are so thrilled to share it with you…

As most of you would know, the financial planning business moved out of its location and into a brand new office at Ellen Street Wollongong in November 2013. We are very happy at this location and we hope you all like visiting as much as we love having you here!


As our business continues to grow, so do the possibilities! We are always seeking new and innovative ways to add that ‘WOW’ factor to the overall experience when it comes to the service we deliver. As most of you would also know, we have made many changes over these past two years to alter the way we do things, the way we present ourselves, the way we are perceived, and the way we strive to maintain strong and long-term relationships with each and every one of our clients.

As we continue on our journey and ongoing development, we have decided that we needed a BIG CHANGE to help drive us towards a future of exciting possibilities!

We are pleased to advise that we have decided to CHANGE OUR BUSINESS NAME!

ODH Financial Planning will no longer be, and we think that our new name is GREAT…..



“Innovus is an amalgam of “Novus” which is a Latin word meaning “New” and “Innovare” Latin “to renew, restore, to change”

The name reinforces our determination to be at the forefront of a NEW kind of advice, focussed on the needs of clients rather than labels and titles. We believe our role is to make change in the lives of our clients which renew, restore and reinvigorate them, and provide a platform for future success.

The logo highlights both the name and our belief that it is about “us” i.e. that a successful outcome will come about because of the joint efforts of “we” at Innovus and our clients. Collectively this is “US”. We need all of “us” working together to achieve the best possible result.



To assist us in our growth, we are also pleased to announce that we have recruited two wonderful people to join our team.

Innovus Advice Solutions would like to officially welcome…

Kylie Kurtelova as our Para Planner

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Kylie has been working in the industry for 8  years, and is our latest addition to the team. She loves ensuring clients understand the advice that is provided, and making sure all of the “t”s are crossed and “i”s dotted


Please join us in welcoming them and be sure to stop in and say hi !



Well it’s no secret that we will use any excuse to have a party, and we think that this is the best excuse yet!

Innovus Advice Solutions welcome you to CELEBRATE with us;

  • Our NEW name!
  • With our NEW team members!
  • On our 2 YEAR anniversary at our NEW place!

WHEN:                 Tuesday 17th November 2015

TIME:                   From 5pm

WHERE:              39A Ellen Street, Wollongong

INFO:                   Drinks & Canapés will be provided

RSVP:                  To Jennifer on 42580099

WHO:                   Bring a friend! A family member! A colleague! We would LOVE to meet them!

 Formal invitations will also be issued closer to the event.



In the coming weeks we will be officially launching our new name across all of our communication channels, please keep an eye out for these announcements as we transition.

Our new website:

Our new Facebook page:

Want to email our team? Our new email addresses are now up and running!

For all general enquiries email

For more specific:

Please Note: Our existing email address will be diverted to our new ones for ongoing convenience.



The team at Innovus Advice Solutions would like to THANK YOU for your support and we look forward to delivering you quality ongoing service well into the future.

We would LOVE to hear your feedback! Email us by clicking here. Your feedback is very valuable and much appreciated.


Kind Regards,


Paul Wright, Jennifer Davison, Kylie Kurtelova

Innovus Advice Solutions

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