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I grew up during a period when if you uttered the phrase “Every Picture Tells a Story” someone would almost magically reply “Don’t It”. (much like there is only one possible response to “Am I Ever Going To See Your Face Again”). I was listening to the album for the umpteenth time the other day, enjoying tracks like “Maggie May”, “Mandolin Wind”, “Reason to Believe” and of course the title cut.


There is a particular line in this song which in my mind captures an attitude which many business owners experience, often to their detriment.

“I firmly believed that I didn’t need anyone but me
I sincerely thought I was so complete
Look how wrong you can be”

Business owners who I speak to often express the same kind of sentiment.

As a business owner myself I am well aware of the temptation to look after yourself, to do everything yourself, to be in charge of everything yourself. Nearly all business owners (me included) are to some extent “control freaks”, it is likely one of the drivers that got us into business in the first place.

This doesn’t mean we are alone though. We are surrounded by a cohort of other business owners who are sharing similar challenges to ourselves. Whilst every business is different (and we hope ours is SO different as to be a raging success), many of the problems we face are the same. The plain fact is we DON’T always know best, and input from our peers, or even from professionals qualified to give advice can make all the difference.

There is no need to operate in a vacuum, and absolutely no need to feel like you are alone in the world.


By 1992 Rockin’ Rod had changed the lyric to

“I firmly believed that I didn’t need anyone but you” see here from Unplugged and Seated – enjoy!

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