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Remember Why You’re Doing This

By June 14, 2017March 15th, 2019Business, Uncategorized

On a recent trip to the UK I had to have a wry chuckle. (I’m allowed, I was born there). We were visiting lot of different scenic, historical and variously important sites. (Blenheim Palace, Chatsworth House, Chelsea Flower Show, Bourton-On-The-Water), and as the inevitable tour buses rolled in, the first thing the Brits had to have was a cup of tea (Anyone Fancy a Brew?).


To my eyes this seemed to be the most important part of their journey, the tea at the end of it. Irrelevant that they were sitting in the most idyllic of surrounds, the familiarity and the routine of the brew was paramount.

On arriving at any new location, I am busting to go out and explore. My significant other will testify to my impatience at even the need for a “comfort stop”.There are so many new possibilities in front of me, that I have no time to delay before I get out and see the “new” before I run out of time.

Of course there is a balance here, The nature of the places that we visit is usually such that the possibility of a “comfort stop” is fairly limited once you have reached the launch point of your new adventure. Let’s take care of that.

As soon as you can though, you need to get out and explore. You need to step outside of the comfort of a cup of tea. Embrace the difference as soon as you can, the rewards will be outside. Don’t judge the places you visit or the things that you do by the prism of your known experience, that is kind of the point. I would hate to hear Chatsworth House judged by the quality of the tea they serve, or the Himalayas by the price of the beer, or for that matter, Bondi Beach by the weather on the day you happened to visit.

The same is true when you buy or experience anything. You need to remember that your reason for doing so was to explore something new. Your expectations are probably wrong, because you have no basis on which to formulate them.

If you are expecting a staid, reserved, serious to the point of boredom, experience when you come to visit me, than don’t bother. Find someone else’s waiting room to have a cup of tea in. But if you want to explore something new, and go on a journey you have not been on before, take my hand and let’s go have a look, you never know what we might find.

Maybe it’s because I drink coffee?

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