Frank and Audrey love life! Whilst they have been retired for a few years now, they are still happily scratching the travel itch with an overseas trip nearly every year, and regular trips within Australia. Establishing a steady income stream that they can rely on to fund their lifestyle has meant that they know where they stand so they can set aside money to live the way they want to. As with many of our older clients, dealing with Centrelink has been something of an issue, and whilst Aged Pension is not really an option for them, we have been able to help them obtain Senior Health Cards which will at least help with some of their medical costs.
Things still happen even after you retire. Frank and Audrey will be faced with some financial decisions as their parents have recently passed away, and there will be inheritances to be dealt with. Ongoing management of taxation might be an issue in the future, and they have expressed a wish to assist their children in purchasing homes, so how to best achieve this will require some advice from us. Bob’s parents’ home is a potential development site so some analysis comparing simply selling the site or developing and then sale will be needed. As the first person they call when money issues arise it is our pleasure to be able to help them.