Allan Dunn from Innovus Advice was thrilled to have been invited recently to contribute an article to this months Coal Coast Magazine. The topic was on The Financials of starting a family, and while we all know that kids are…
Nobody likes a budget, in fact, in my experience, a major reason why people are reluctant to seek the services of a financial adviser is that they are fearful of have a budget imposed upon them. In addition, the hardest…
The conversation went like this: “I don’t need financial advice, I haven’t got any money” “Why?” “Because I haven’t got any money” “No, I heard that, but why haven’t you got any money?” “Well…..” “Would you like some help…
It is a pretty tough thing when you are sitting down with a client, and the conversation ends in tears. It happens more often than you might think. On the latest occasion I was talking to a new client…
I describe myself as a poor but enthusiastic golfer. There is nothing that I like more than wandering around a paddock in the sunshine attempting to hit a small, defenceless white ball with a tool that is ill-equipped for the…
I keep banging on about the need to start NOW – see articles here and here for examples of my rants. To reinforce the point, I want to remind you of something you probably learned in High School. It is what…
"It's only advice dammit, not holy decree!" - Paul Wright I once heard a story in connection with advertising "when the business owner was enjoying the good times he did not need to advertise, when he was experiencing bad…
The story goes that the managing director of Rolls Royce, when asked by a motoring journalist what the power output from the latest engine was replied with "Enough". This elegant reply in my mind speaks volumes for the confidence he…