Personal insurance sometimes get a bad rap. Rather than referring to life insurance we prefer to us the phrase Risk Insurance. For us, life insurance is all about protecting yourself financially from unforeseen events.
Nearly everyone insures their home, their car and even their boat, but neglect to adequately protect their family’s most valuable asset – themselves and their ability to earn income.
Insurance is simply a choice. A choice whether you want your family’s lifestyle to be protected in the event of your Death, Total and Permanent Disablement, Trauma, Illness or Injury. If you have not already accumulated wealth to produce sufficient income without having to work, you need personal insurance if only for the sake of your loved ones – they will thank you if the need arises.
Crafting a risk insurance plan requires a careful balance between the level of protection required, and the cost of having the protection. Many people are unsure as to the level of cover they should have, in fact many don’t know what cover they already have. There are several ways that insurances can be structured, for ease of administration, simplicity at claim time and cost effectiveness. We help you cut through the confusion and arrange appropriate insurance at as low a cost as is possible.