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AdviceEstate Planning

And then there was one…

One of the questions that is regularly asked relates to how superannuation is dealt with on a person’s death.   Picture this… Dave and Marg are retirees. They both have accumulated superannuation which is being used to pay each of…
Allan Dunn
November 12, 2021

What Price Financial Advice?

There are lots of misunderstandings when it comes to the advice that financial advisers can offer. At the heart of the misunderstanding is the misconception that financial advisers only “sell” investments or life insurance. The natural progression of this from…
August 30, 2017

Remember Why You’re Doing This

On a recent trip to the UK I had to have a wry chuckle. (I'm allowed, I was born there). We were visiting lot of different scenic, historical and variously important sites. (Blenheim Palace, Chatsworth House, Chelsea Flower Show, Bourton-On-The-Water),…
June 14, 2017