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AdviceEstate Planning

And then there was one…

One of the questions that is regularly asked relates to how superannuation is dealt with on a person’s death.   Picture this… Dave and Marg are retirees. They both have accumulated superannuation which is being used to pay each of…
Allan Dunn
November 12, 2021

What’s it Worth?

A couple of weeks ago we ran out of water. Some of you may know that we live on a piece of paradise in the Southern Highlands which has only one disadvantage – no town water! Photo by Luis Tosta on Unsplash We…
October 4, 2018

On Professionalism

A professional is true to his beliefs Professionals are not swayed by popular opinion Professionalism is having the courage to tell your client something they don't want to hear.   A professional seeks to add value Professionals do not accept…
March 2, 2016

Two Approaches to Gardening

My wife and I have two very different approaches to our garden. My view of the garden is a series of tasks which need to be completed so that I can spend some time enjoying the sunshine outside, preferably with…
February 22, 2016

Where are you in the pecking order?

Observing chicken politics is hilarious, the jockeying for position, competing for advantage, secret liaisons, negotiated alliances, clandestine trysts, reminds me of Canberra, but I digress.... It is human nature to behave a bit like my chooks. We assess our relative…
November 2, 2015