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Financial Services Guide


Our Financial Services Guide (FSG) is an important document to help you understand the financial services we are able to offer you. Its purpose is to educate you, prior to a financial service being provided, on certain matters such as:

  • who we are and how we can be contacted;
  • what services and products we are authorised under our licence to provide to you;
  • how we (and any other relevant parties) are paid; and
  • who to contact should you have a complaint. If you choose to use our services you may also receive from us a Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) or other type of Offer Document. The PDS or offer document contains information about the particular product and will assist you in making an informed decision about that product.

Read our Financial Services Guide here and our Privacy Policy Here.




This site and the data contained in it are supplied solely for informational use. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced or re-used for any purpose whatsoever without written permission of Innovus Advice Solutions. However, users may download information for their own private use.




The information contained or referred to in this web site has been compiled for the convenience of customers and prospective customers, looking for information about Innovus Advice Solutions and the services we provide. We have taken all reasonable care in preparing and presenting this information, but we cannot warrant that it is complete and/or accurate in all respects or fully up to date. Innovus Advice Solutions shall not be responsible for any eventualities arising from the use of the information in this web site for any purpose whatsoever.


Email Disclaimer


The new Spam Act, which came into effect on 10 April 2004, is aimed at reducing the number of unsolicited emails and other electronic communications.

You are currently on our database to receive email newsletters, updates, offers, invitations and other communications from us.  If you do not want to receive emails in the future from Innovus Advice, please send an email to indicating that you no longer want to be contacted via email and your electronic address will be removed from our database.  If you do not unsubscribe, we will continue to send you electronic communications.

The information contained in your email may be privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient you must not disseminate, copy or take any action in reliance on it, and we request that you notify us immediately via email. Any views expressed in an email message are those of the individual sender, except where specifically stated otherwise.

Email may not be a safe method of communication and you must assess the risks associated with this type of communication. There is no warranty that an email is error or virus free. Innovus Advice Solutions is not liable if an attachment is altered without its consent. If we suspect that an email may be virus-infected, it may not reach its intended recipient to ensure the security of the Innovus Advice Solutions network. If you are concerned by this please request confirmation of receipt within the body of your email and resend the email if the confirmation is not received within a reasonable time.


Privacy Policy


Innovus Advice Solutions, complies with the Privacy Policy of Innovus Licensee Services.

In December 2001 the Australian Federal Government’s amendment to the Privacy Act came into effect covering all personal information held by organisations. The new legislation strengthened customer privacy protection. Professional Investment Services have an obligation to protect the privacy of its client information. Our privacy policy reflects the spirit and content of the government’s laws.

This statement addresses potential concerns you may have about how personal information you provide to Professional Investment Services and its authorised representatives is collected, held, used, disclosed and transferred.

Read our Privacy Policy Here



As a financial planning organisation we are subject to certain legislative and regulatory requirements that necessitate us obtaining and holding detailed information which personally identifies you and or contains personal information. In addition, our ability to provide you with a comprehensive financial planning advice service is dependent on us obtaining personal information about you. The type of information we will ask you to provide will include;

  • Personal information about you and your family and health details.
  • Employment details and employment history.
  • Details of your financial goals and objectives.
  • Details of your current financial circumstances, including your assets and liabilities, income, expenditure, insurance


Cover and superannuation


  • Details of your investment preferences and aversion or tolerance to risk.
  • Details of your Estate Planning arrangements.
  • Details of your social security eligibility.

We will only collect, maintain and use Personal Information about you if it is necessary for us to adequately provide to you the services you have requested including:

  • The preparation of your financial plan.
  • The provision of financial planning advice.
  • Making recommendations about securities, investments and risk products.
  • Reviewing your financial position.
  • Reviewing recommendations.
  • Provision of insurance advice and recommendations.

Failure to provide personal information may expose you to high risks in respect of the recommendations and may affect the adequacy or appropriateness of advice.


Use and Disclosure


We will not use or disclose Personal Information collected by us for any purpose other than the purposes for which it was provided or secondary related purposes in circumstances where you would reasonably expect such use or disclosure; or where you have consented to such disclosure.

We are required under the Rules of Professional Conduct of the Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA) to make certain information available for inspection by each of the above and/or a relevant third party on request to ensure ongoing compliance with professional standards, relevant legislation and ensure best practice is adopted in our business. This may involve the disclosure of your personal information. We are also obliged pursuant to the Corporations Act to maintain certain transaction records and make those records available for inspection by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

In order to fulfil the purposes set out above we may provide access to your personal information to third parties with which we have a business relationship, for example those who maintain and update our database.

Your personal information is generally held in your client file. Information may also be held in a computer database.

Our website contains links to other websites whose operator may or may not adhere to a privacy policy or be governed by the National Privacy Principles. While it is not necessary to register your personal details to use our website, we may in the future offer a registration service that will enable you to receive product and service updates, newsletters and other information. In the event you do register with us in the future we will collect personal information including your name and e-mail address.

We will at all times seek to ensure that the personal information collected and held by us is protected from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. At all times your personal information is treated as confidential and any sensitive information is treated as highly confidential. Paper files are stored in lockable cabinets. All record movements off premises are recorded in a central register. Allowing only personnel with security passes to access the premises out of business hours; controls access to our premises. All computer-based information is protected through the use of access passwords on each computer. Data is backed up each evening and stored securely offsite.


Access to Your Personal Information


You may at any time, by contacting us by any of the methods detailed below, request access to your personal information. We will provide you with access to that information either by providing you with copies of the information requested, allowing you to inspect the information requested or providing you with an accurate summary of the information held.

We will endeavour to ensure that, at all times, the personal information about you which we hold is up to date and accurate. In the event that you become aware, or believe that any Personal Information is inaccurate, incomplete or outdated, you may contact us by any of the methods detailed below. Please note that we need not provide access to personal information where a request is frivolous, or where to provide access would pose a threat to health or public safety, unreasonably interfere with another person’s privacy, or be a breach of the law. If we refuse access we will advise you of our reasons for doing so.


Complaints Resolution

If you have any queries or are concerned about how your personal information has been collected, used or disclosed and you wish to make a complaint, please contact the Privacy Officer on the information below:

Mail      PO Box 186 Fairy Meadow NSW 2519

Phone   02 42580099



We will acknowledge receipt of a complaint immediately, however, where this is not possible, acknowledgement will be made as soon as practicable. We will then investigate the complaint and respond to you within 45 days. Some complex matters may require an extension to thoroughly investigate the complaint and bring it to resolution.

If you are not fully satisfied with our response, you can contact an external body. In cases of privacy-related complaints, this is generally the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).

The contact details for OAIC are:

Mail      GPO box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001

Phone  1300 363 992




You may also direct privacy complaints related to financial advice to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). The contact details for AFCA are:

Mail      GPO Box 3, Melbourne, VIC 3001

Phone  1800 931 678 (free call)




General Advice Disclaimer


This information provided on this website has been provided as general advice only. We have not considered your financial circumstances, needs or objectives and you should seek the assistance of your Adviser before you make any decision regarding any products mentioned in this communication. Whilst all care has been taken in the preparation of this material, no warranty is given in respect of the information provided and accordingly neither Innovus Licensee Services nor its related entities, employees or agents shall be liable on any ground whatsoever with respect to decisions or actions taken as a result of you acting upon such information.