Are investment markets showing the first green shoots or could there still be a late frost? As I am writing this in my self-isolated home office on 1 st May 2020 it is currently 5 degrees outside with very strong…
When to Sell “The markets are falling, when should I sell and cut my losses?” is a very common question in times like these. In fact, selling is exactly the opposite of what you should be doing as an…
We have grown very used to investment markets continually rising. From the depths of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) in March of 2009, we have seen a steady increase in asset values for a period of more than 10 years,…
Back in the day, there was a significant movement in the accounting profession which was commonly referred to as “value-based pricing” Some in that profession took this to mean that they no longer needed to worry about how much they…
There are lots of misunderstandings when it comes to the advice that financial advisers can offer. At the heart of the misunderstanding is the misconception that financial advisers only “sell” investments or life insurance. The natural progression of this from…
I am often asked, “What Do I Need To Do to Close the (choose your expletive) Down?). This is not a complicated process, though those with a vested interest (think those who set it up in the first place) may…
The team at ODH Financial Planning have an exciting announcement to make and we are so thrilled to share it with you… As most of you would know, the financial planning business moved out of its location and into a…